Posts tagged with "OM-5"

Too Darned Hot
2024 · 01 July 2024
Went for a brief sojourn in the beautiful countryside of the Meon Valley in Hampshire land managed by happenstance to choose the few days of the mini-heat wave we had during that week. Just my luck as it was just too darned hot to wander about for any length of time taking photos.

Last of the Rhododendrons
2024 · 25 May 2024
Last of the Rhododendrons for this year. Most of them are now blown and gone but there are a few late bloomers still hanging on though they too are showing signs of their imminent departure.

Hate It?
2024 · 05 May 2024
There are a shedload of vehement micro four thirds haters out there who would like nothing more than to see the format die, but there is one excellent MFT camera that even the supporters of the format love to hate. They should know better!

2024 · 30 April 2024
A walk through the gardens snapping the Spring flowers. Gorgeous blooms, vibrant colours, heady scents and sunshine. Shame the camera doesn't capture smell-a-vision as the aromas were enchanting. Good for the soul.

2024 · 27 April 2024
The Watercress Line Spring Steam Gala 2024 with guest locomotives LMS Jubilee Class ‘Leander’ no. 45690, ‘Battle of Britain’ Class ‘Manston’ no. 34070 and ‘Lambton’ Tank no. 29. Smoke, steam, nostalgia and one of the locomotives an uncleaned and filthy dirty disappointment.

2024 · 21 April 2024
Well I have started my latest project of photographing bees close up, including the difficult task of capturing them in flight. The latter was always going to be a challenge and a bit of a hit and miss affair as these industrious little creatures move so fast and erratically which adds to the fun. This is going to be a long project with a bit of a steep learning curve! Thus, day one...

OM-5 Goodness
2023 · 10 October 2023
It must have been about a year ago when I dumped my 'flagship' OM System Olympus OM-1 for then newly released 'mid-range' OM System OM-5 to howls of derision by my photog pals who didn't think much of me clinging to small sensor photography in the first place let alone 'downgrading' to a 'lessor' (but importantly more portable) camera in that format to boot. But, a year on, do I feel I was I right to do so?

✧ Jokul Frosti ✧

A space containing the thoughts, experiences, photos and collected curiosities of a walkabout photographer with a snapshot style.