📌📌 PRE-AMBLE: This journal contains the scribbles of a walkabout photographer with a snapshot style. This pinned entry provides an introduction to the journal and also explains all the different ways you can access it to make it easier to find things, so click in to learn more. Alternatively simply scroll through the entries below and have fun exploring their content.
The blues and azures of water in ethereal light. Bubbles bursting through liquid yet trapped seemingly eternally in time. The glassmaker's art caught on camera.
There are, typically, three types of light used in macro photography; daylight, continuous artificial light and flashlight, so called 'macro flash'. So what are the advantages of using macro flash over the others?
I have a new interest, macro photography. The world of the small and indeed the downright tiny. The art of showing incredible detail of these little objects at a minimum of 1-1 reproduction ratio for true macro.