Posts tagged with "M.Zuko 40-150mm f4 Pro"

2024 · 26 July 2024
A day out at the local Raptor Sanctuary courtesy of OM System and London Camera Exchange. Owls, hawks and falcons in all their splendid glory, beautiful creatures and the descendants of the dinosaurs alive and well and flying around us.The raptors!

Bird Feeder Bandits
2024 · 16 June 2024
In recent weeks several new and now regular visitors have turned up in the garden in the form of highly acrobatic bird feeder bandits. Cute, agile, highly entertaining but a bit of a pest really.

Yellow Flag
2024 · 18 May 2024
Iris Pseudacorus aka The Yellow Flag - another picture made whilst on my walkabout at LilyHill yesterday. Could not resist posting a few more images made with my OM-1 II and 40-150mm f4 Pro; the art of tele-zoom close-ups.

2024 · 17 May 2024
LilyHill, home to cultivars such as Irises, hybrid Rhododendrons and Azaleas, and wildflowers such as Meadow Buttercup and Birdsfoot Trefoil, plus grand trees including Monkey Puzzle, Beech, Douglas Fir and the majestic Wellingtonia aka The Giant Redwood.

2024 · 30 April 2024
A walk through the gardens snapping the Spring flowers. Gorgeous blooms, vibrant colours, heady scents and sunshine. Shame the camera doesn't capture smell-a-vision as the aromas were enchanting. Good for the soul.

2024 · 21 April 2024
Well I have started my latest project of photographing bees close up, including the difficult task of capturing them in flight. The latter was always going to be a challenge and a bit of a hit and miss affair as these industrious little creatures move so fast and erratically which adds to the fun. This is going to be a long project with a bit of a steep learning curve! Thus, day one...

✧ Jokul Frosti ✧

A space containing the thoughts, experiences, photos and collected curiosities of a walkabout photographer with a snapshot style.