Posts tagged with "Leica"

☆ Jokul Frosti's ☆ Journal
2024 · 31 December 2030
📌📌 PRE-AMBLE: This journal contains the scribbles of a walkabout photographer with a snapshot style. This pinned entry provides an introduction to the journal and also explains all the different ways you can access it to make it easier to find things, so click in to learn more. Alternatively simply scroll through the entries below and have fun exploring their content.

Need 4 Speed
2023 · 09 October 2023
There are times for primes; when only fast glass will do. Big element beauties of superior iQ, premium primes.

Time Travel
2023 · 21 June 2023
When I go off on my mini-adventures I pack the ultimate in the optimum balance amongst quality, capability and mobility for my camera system and that means Micro Four Thirds.

✧ Jokul Frosti ✧

A space containing the thoughts, experiences, photos and collected curiosities of a walkabout photographer with a snapshot style.