Posts tagged with "Flowers"

Last of the Rhododendrons
2024 · 25 May 2024
Last of the Rhododendrons for this year. Most of them are now blown and gone but there are a few late bloomers still hanging on though they too are showing signs of their imminent departure.

Yellow Flag
2024 · 18 May 2024
Iris Pseudacorus aka The Yellow Flag - another picture made whilst on my walkabout at LilyHill yesterday. Could not resist posting a few more images made with my OM-1 II and 40-150mm f4 Pro; the art of tele-zoom close-ups.

2024 · 30 April 2024
A walk through the gardens snapping the Spring flowers. Gorgeous blooms, vibrant colours, heady scents and sunshine. Shame the camera doesn't capture smell-a-vision as the aromas were enchanting. Good for the soul.

Exotic Onion
2023 · 31 July 2023
Photographing structural plants like this Allium Purple Sensation, after it has seeded, is fun and quite rewarding visually. Oh, an Allium is a type of flowering onion would you believe?

Sneered At
2023 · 04 March 2023
Making images with gear that some web pundits love to sneer at; well now... let us see...

✧ Jokul Frosti ✧

A space containing the thoughts, experiences, photos and collected curiosities of a walkabout photographer with a snapshot style.