
Too Darned Hot

... Journal Entry

Went for a brief sojourn in the beautiful countryside of the Meon Valley in Hampshire land managed by happenstance to choose the few days of the mini-heat wave we had during that week. Just my luck as it was just too darned hot to wander about for any length of time taking photos.

I did grab a few pics before giving up and heading for a shady spot in nearest pub garden. The villages in this particular neck of the woods are very picturesque and well kept. 

This one is in West Meon where several tributaries of the river Meon flow through the village adding to its charming and photogenic qualities. It looked cool and inviting on this blisteringly hot day, though appearances were quite deceptive!

There is also an 11 mile walking trail/bridleway that traverses part of the route of the former Meon Valley Steam Railway that closed back in 1955. I think we managed just over a mile or so of it before turning back, brave adventures that we were, as it was just too hot and humid to be comfortable. We shall return to do more of it as it is a lovely walk.

In the old cuttings it was lush, green and shaded but still very warm and humid, and the embankments were something of a trial on this particular day.

Gaps in the undergrowth framed vistas of the beautiful rolling hills of this part of Hampshire and is indicative its proximity to the South Downs National Park.

The old platforms of the West Meon Station are still visible though the old station building itself is long gone. It makes for a restful place for a picnic after a long walk along the trail, or even a short one. It's a peaceful place where once there would have be the hustle a bustle, chuffing and puffing, smoke and steam of what was intended to be a main line railway. 

Well that really was that. I was glad I had taken my OM-5 and M.Zuiko 12-45mm f4 Pro as they are super light and compact enough not to be a burden in the unpleasantly hot weather but still highly capable. It is exactly this sort of mini adventure they were designed for.

✧ Jokul Frosti ✧

A space containing the thoughts, experiences, photos and collected curiosities of a walkabout photographer with a snapshot style.