
Not In Love, Not Many

I'm not in love, So don't forget it, It's just a silly phase I'm going through - 10cc, 1975. The Olympus Pen-F, well it's a phase I have been going through since it was released since in 2016 and still am.

I have been running around with my 35mm film rangefinder cameras a lot recently and their form factor and handling put me in mind of my lovely old Olympus Pen-F and a desire to dig out of the cupboard along with a fast prime like my M.Zuiko 20mm f1.7 (40mm 35mm ff equivalent) and get out there and enjoy using it.

This little machine is very much my equivalent of a digital rangefinder camera and I love it so that silly phase is very much still not over. Thus it is time to grab my other primes, 9mm. 45mm and 75mm as well and get to it.

Seven years on from when it was first announced many would consider its technology quite dated now but it still produces stills images that can take your breath away if you do your part. You have to continue to love it for that alone, that and its beautiful looks, plus its superb rangefinder like form, layout and handling. Not in love with the Pen-F? Not many! It's just because.